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NTTD Community Newsletter




Update Your Profile With Your Mobile Carrier


In our world today, so many emails get lost in the black hole that is our Inbox. It's so important that you are informed of the latest events and weekend information as it occurs.


You can better "be in the know" by updating your Mobile Carrier in your NTTD Connect profile to receive texts from NTTD.

Here's how:


  1. Log into NTTD Connect.

  2. Select your profile in the upper right corner of the page.

  3. Choose the blue "Edit Profile" link.

  4. Confirm your mobile number.

  5. Put in your Mobile Carrier to the right of your mobile number.


All texts sent will be carefully considered, being mindful of your time and attention.

Weekend 75

Weekend #75 Reflection

Men's Weekend #75

Rector, Joe Linney - April 11-14, 2024

Joe Linney.jpg

THEME:  True Potential

VERSE: Proverbs 19:21


SONG:  Nothing Else by Cody Carnes


 Well another God filled weekend is in the books. Men's Weekend #75 was a weekend like I have never experienced before. The guys got straight to business. Conversations at the tables were flowing. It was awesome to see how everyone of the candidates just started sharing and listening. They were even telling me my lines (well the repetitive ones during the talks). Everybody seemed very jovial and excited about being there and what God had in store for them.

        The team, rockstars...that's all I got to say about that. Everybody worked together seamlessly. We had some guys step into roles right at the end and they were great. It was humbling to see all working together for God's weekend.

         Thank you to the community and sponsors for all the constant prayers. It made my heart happy to see so many of the candidates at the secuela as well and to see the smiles and the glow from the weekend still on them. We have some great team members in the making with all the helping and serving they did at the secuela.

           So from the bottom of my heart thank you to all who served on the weekend. As well as those who allowed us to serve them!


With love
Joe Linney

Rector, NTTD Men's #75

Women's Weekend #75

Rector, Beth Denehie - April 18-21, 2024

Beth Denehie 1.jpg

THEME:  Worthy, Loved, Forgiven, Chosen

VERSE: Matthew 13:46

COLORS:  Red orange, Blue green, and Pearl

SONG:  O Come to the Altar


Wow, what an incredible weekend we had for NTTD #75! All the prayers, preparations and service were SO worth it as we got watch His glory unfold in only three days!


God showed up in a mighty way and we had an incredible weekend of serving and being served. I am always in awe of all the incredible things the Lord does in us and through us in these three days. We even experienced three seasons (summer,  monsoon and spring - in that order) throughout the weekend but kept persevering. 


Several even commented how the weather beautifully portrayed Christ's sacrifice for us, His Chosen!  Friday was a blah, overcast day and reperesented Christ preparing for his death.  Saturday, the day of His death, contained some heavy stuff at times and tears, represented with SO much rain! Then Sunday came! Celebration of the resurrection and some BEAUTIFUL weather. This was just a glimpse of the kind of God nods we experienced throughout the entire weekend!


What an incredible journey the road to #75 has been. What an incredible team He put together, just for this weekend, to serve the women He had planned to be there all along. I have been blessed beyond words throughout the process and I can't wait to serve alongside these new Pescadores in the future.


Thank you, Community, for your support and prayers! Please join me in prayer for our incoming Rectors for the #76 weekends!


De Colores 
Beth Denehie
Rector, NTTD Women's #75

Image by Alexis Brown


Are you interested in serving on an upcoming Tres Dias weekend? 
If so, join us for the upcoming Essentials Training classes.
ou must take an Essentials class prior to serving on a weekend.

The Leaders Committee is offering a training date.

Tuesday, May 21st

6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

In the Corinth Area

(Specific address will be emailed/texted out to those who RSVP).


What are your talents and skills?

Hopefully you have logged on to our new community portal called NTTD Connect! Now that you are ready to connect, it's time to update your profile.  


NTTD has a helpful feature called "My Fit."  Here you can update your profile with your skills and talents. As Rectors prepare to build their team, it is so important that they know how pescadors can be placed where their skills are best utilized. Please take a moment to log in to NTTD Connect and update your "My Fit" skills.


Here is how to update "MY FIT"

  1. Log into your account at

    • You will need to request an account if you have never logged in.

  2. Select the circle in the upper right hand corner, then select "Profile."​​

    • Here is where you can update your contact information.​

  3. Choose the "Action" drop down menu in the blue box next to "Edit Profile."​

  4. Here is were you will select the "My Fit" option.

  5. This will open up your "My Personal Fit Profile."

  6. Check the boxes that "fit" you, making sure to select each tab at the top.

    1. Spiritual Gifts​

    2. Passions

    3. Abilities (Most important to fill out!)

    4. Personality Style

  7. Select "Save" and you are good to go!​

MY Fit
Prez Points


Be with Jesus. Become like Jesus. Do what he did.


I love the current series my home church is going through entitled “Follow the Way.”


In every sermon in the series, preacher Rick reminds us of the church’s mission statement. “The Hills Church exists to make and grow followers of Jesus. We do this together by being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and doing what Jesus did.”


He reminds us that each of us has a unique journey in our path of following Jesus. We have multiple ways to form our lives around him—it’s an invitation for us to be molded into Christlikeness.


Jesus didn’t invent discipleship. Everyone in ancient Israel understood what it meant to apprentice to a rabbi. It involved spending time with him, becoming like him, and doing what he did. But what rabbis only invited a few to do, Jesus invites all to do. Everyone is offered the opportunity to be an apprentice of Jesus. Insert scripture here. Apprentices of Jesus have one goal: Christlikeness. It’s a journey we take together in community empowered by the holy spirit.


I was able to attend Essentials training this weekend before the Secuela, and it was good to be reminded of our mission:


Tres Dias is a Christian ministry that revitalizes Christian men and women in their walk with Christ by encouraging them in three areas:

  • Impact their home and work environments for Christ

  • Maintain their own relationship with Christ through small group sharing

  • Return to their home churches with a renewed desire to be a Servant Leader

How has Tres Dias helped you be with, be like, and do what Jesus did?


De Colores!

Dak Lyons

NTTD, President

Dak Lyons.jpeg

Dak Lyons
NTTD President


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