NTTD Community Newsletter

Past Newsletters:
Elections for the Board of Directors are Now Open!
The North Texas Tres Dias Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the following candidates for the open board of directors positions of Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and 5 At-Large positions. You will vote for 5 At-Large members. The top 5 candidates with the most votes will take the 5 open seats. Do you know what an At-Large board member does? Read Here!
Please spend some time praying about who you want to vote for from this diverse, talented, and amazing group of people. Serving is an honor, but also a responsibility not to be taken lightly. After you have prayed diligently, come back and cast your votes for the 8 open board positions.
Voting Dates
Opens on December 4, 2023
Closes on December 18, 2023
If you have any problems logging in to the Community website, you may email
Thank you,
Your 2023 NTTD Nominating Committee
John Zaiger (Chair)
Chris Madrid
Kurt Sadowski
Grace Sadowski
Shawn Linney
Men's Weekend #75
Rector, Joe Linney - April 11-14, 2024

THEME: True Potential
VERSE: Proverbs 19:21
SONG: Nothing Else by Cody Carnes
My name is Joe Linney I attended North Texas Tres Dias number 48 . I would love to tell you what table I sat out but the truth is I don’t remember. My wife Shawn Linney and son Jacob Linney attend Triple S cowboy church in Palestine, Texas. We are blessed to live in the country where the city lights don’t reach , but the stars shine bright. I enjoy spending time with my wife and son, whether it be in the gym or riding around in the pastures looking at our cows and the wildlife.
The weekend I attended had quite a few effects on my life today. It renewed my relationship with my faith, family, and life in general. I remembered what it felt like to talk to God and to hear him respond. I felt loved and counted through all of my gruff exterior. I figured out my way wasn’t the right way to live. As I stepped out of the truck at my house my then 11 year old ran around the front of the truck, stopped , looked at me right in the eyes and said “you're different” not hi, where have you been, nothing those two words came out of his mouth and I was done for.
I have had the many blessings on serving on weekends filled with the conversations and laughter, sometimes tears. The one thing that I will never get tired of seeing is men experiencing GOD. Many relationships were manifested from tres dias and most of my close friends are a product of this community.
My weekend theme is TRUE POTENTIAL . Proverbs 19:21 say Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lords purpose for him that will stand (amp). I like the fact that in the world we all have preconceived notions of our true potential (financially, work , status) there is an end sum. However with God our true potential is never ending. He is constantly urging us to be better than we were.
Women's Weekend #75
Rector, Beth Denehie - April 18-21, 2024

THEME: Worthy, Loved, Forgiven, Chosen
VERSE: Matthew 13:46
COLORS: Red orange, Blue green, and Pearl
SONG: O Come to the Altar
When I was asked to serve as Rector for weekend #75, my immediate reaction was I am certainly not worthy so how could I say yes? But God so sweetly reminded me that not only was I worthy but I was chosen. He chose me for this very weekend and I am honored and excited to see how the Lord humbles me and guides me in building a team of worthy, loved and chosen people who will prepare their hearts to serve.
My prayer for the weekend is that the voice of the Lord overpowers the enemy whispers that we aren’t worthy, aren't loved and that our sin is unforgivable. As we prepare our own hearts to share the love of the Lord, may we be reminded no matter what stress or friction we encounter, we have each been formed into a beautiful pearl that is valued, loved and chosen by God.
Please join us in prayer for the team and candidates of weekend #75.
De Colores
Would you like to serve on the Men's or Women's weekend? Fill out the form below to show your interest.

Are you interested in serving on an upcoming weekend?
If so, join us for one of the upcoming Essentials Training classes.
You must take an Essentials class prior to serving on a weekend.
The Leaders Committee is offering a training date.
Thursday, January 18th
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Claudia Kelley's Home
3509 Wandering Trail, Plano, TX 75075.
Call or Text Claudia Kelley at (214) 762-6769 for more information.
This time of year, our society is made more aware of Thankfulness, giving, and the joy in giving. We as believers can sometimes mirror the world's view, if we get caught up in worry, business or problems we face. God calls us to be thankful, no matter what is happening, or going on in the world. (1 Thes. 5:16-18) We are not to be thankful FOR what is happening, but IN whatever situation we are in. Things in life can be difficult, and painful, but we are to look for the things we can be thankful for! One is the fact that our God is always in control, and He has given us Hope and glory that is to be revealed to us and in us! (Rom. 8:18)
I am so very thankful for the NTTD community! My family and I have been so blessed and impacted when serving, and I love seeing so many candidates returning to their homes and churches with a new attitude in Christ. I am at a stage in my life where I can step back from serving on weekends, but can serve in other ways: giving, sponsoring, palanca and on the Board.
I hope this message finds you well, thankful, and eager to give of your time, talents, and treasures to serve the Lord as you bless others.
De Colores,
Dak Lyons

Dak Lyons
NTTD President
Christmas Secuela
We’d like to express our genuine appreciation for taking the time to attend the Christmas Secuela. Your joy and fellowship contributed to quality of our time together.
I want to spotlight the generosity in our community. I’m truly blown away by the creativity of donated items that made the silent auction possible. We originally hoped for at least 5 baskets…but this group committed to and delivered 14 baskets total. What a blessing that became such a huge success! Thank you so very much to those who contributed to the silent auction.
But the generosity didn’t stop there. The silent auction subtotal tally was $1,610. More kindness flowed out and we received two more matches. The final total for the silent auction is $4,200! I hope you, or whoever you gift to, enjoy these baskets; they were a labor of love, kindness, and creativity! Again—thank you so much to those who bid on these items and to those who gave extra.
And Fourth Day Committee, you are the little engine that could! Thank you so much for all the time, planning, and organizing that goes into these secuelas. We appreciate you for serving in this way!
It was a pleasure having a special time together. God was glorified! Our band did a wonderful job leading us into worship and our 4th Day speakers gave us a good place to begin our table discussions. With all the fun that happens at secuela, this is actually my favorite part. I hope you were blessed, too.
Until next time, De Colores!
Linda Madrid