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NTTD Technology Update

In an effort to better serve our community, the North Texas Tres Dias has created a Standing Committee called the "Technology Committee."  The hope is this committee will assist prepare, support, and streamline our community and weekend experiences.

Technology Committee Job Discription

The Technology Committee will recommend, implement, and maintain digital tools and applications for the operation of the Secretariat and the Directors. Specific duties and responsibilities of the committee include but are not limited to:

  • Annually assess the Secretariat’s technology resources and needs

  • Create and annually update the Secretariat’s Technology Plan

  • Act as recommending resource to the Directors regarding technology issues and updates

  • Make recommendations regarding priorities for the acquisition of technology, hardware and software, during budget development and review processes. Such recommendations could include priorities for support and training.

  • Implement and maintain the NTTD, Inc. public and community website with consultation and approval of content by the board President, making sure to post content in a timely manner.

  • Gather information and articles from the Newsletter Editor to display on the NTTD, Inc. public and community website

  • shall perform such duties as may from time to time be assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors.

This committee should be chaired by one person, either single or married and should have one vote on the Board of Directors.

For NTTD Technology questions or issues, please Email:

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