NTTD Community Newsletter

Past Newsletters:

Your sponsorship begins on your knees and ends on your knees. It is very important to seek God’s wisdom as a Tres Dias sponsor. It is more than asking, signing in, and picking up your Candidate. Sponsorship is praying, serving, and encouraging your Candidate before, during and after the weekend. It involves a sacrificial commitment by you on behalf of another. Good sponsorship is an integral part of the Tres Dias experience.
View this checklist which will assist you in the sponsorship of a Candidate for upcoming weekends.
Do you know anyone who is ordained or licensed to teach and counsel in spiritual matters in their home church, musician, or worship leaders that would be a good candidate for a Tres Dias Weekend? It's important to think of the future of our community. How sustainable can we be if the Spiritual Directors and Musicians that we love so much are serving every weekend? As you consider who you might sponsor, also consider how that candidate can be a future serve team on our weekends.
Weekend #76
Men's Rector

Rector: Kurt Sadowski
Theme: Dauntless
Verse: "Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Colors: Black and Tan
Song: "Voice of Truth", Casting Crowns
My name is Kurt Sadowski, I attended North Texas Tres Dias #51 where I sat at the Table of Luke.
My family and I serve and Worship at The Bridge Community Fellowship in Lucas, Texas.
I am honored and excited to have been given the privilege of leading this team.
I very much believe that God is forming this team and that we will make this journey together and experience an encounter with God.
My heart for the weekend is to give men a road map to become the men God created them to be. To inspire men to make adjustments to change the trajectory of their legacy. To have a 200 year vision, not just a 10 or 20 year vision for their families. Not to just look towards retirement, but how they can make decisions to make a great impact on their great-grandchildren.
Over the next few months our leadership team hopes to challenge the men of NTTD #76 to self-reflect, come together as one unified body of Christ and maybe make some adjustments to our lives and strengthen our faith and obedience.
Please pray with me that the team and candidates come with a spirit of Idealism, a spirit of Cooperation and a spirit of Love.
With love and humility,
Kurt Sadowski
Rector NTTD Men's Weekend #76

Weekend #76
Woman's Rector

Rector: Gayla Lewis
Theme: Hanging onto God’s Coattails
Verse: “If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land.” Isaiah. 1:19
Colors: Blues and Whites
Song: “Trust and Obey”
My name is Gayla Lewis. I attended North Texas Tres Dias women’s weekend #11 where I sat at the table of Rachel.
My husband, John, and I worship and serve at the Gateway Prosper campus.
I am looking forward to seeing what God does on this upcoming weekend. This is His team that He’s building for His weekend. Even though I’ve prayerfully selected a theme, image, scripture, and song, I feel like He has an underlying theme along the lines of His holiness and the fear of the Lord. I’m trying to stay out of the way enough for Him to do His thing! What He does is always good because He is good! It’ll be a wonderful weekend.
God is bringing the team together nicely. We still have a few key positions that are open. I’d love for the community to be praying with me along these lines---that those whom the Lord is still wanting to bring onto the team would clearly hear His direction, and that we team members would be led by Him in all our planning for this upcoming weekend. Thank you!, and God bless you!
Gayla Lewis
Rector NTTD Women's Weekend #76

Treasures Report
North Texas Tres Dias Pescadores,
Thank you for giving financially to our North Texas Tres Dias ministry! Your gifts help us with hosting our Men’s and Women’s three-day renewal weekends and support our non-profit operating expenses all year around!
Did you know that each year our community of generous givers, spend thousands of dollars on fees associated with credit card giving?
Credit card fees can be up to 3%, while ACH fees are substantially less at 1%.
Many chose to cover the fees themselves, which we are grateful for, but if you would consider switching to ACH instead of your credit card, North Texas Tres Dias would save thousands in fees every year.
An ACH is an electronic fund transfer made between banks and credit unions across what is called the Automated Clearing House network. ACH is used for all kinds of fund transfer transactions, including direct deposit of paychecks and monthly debits for routine payments.
If you are currently giving through a credit card, and it makes sense for you and your family, would you consider making your future gifts by ACH? Giving through ACH reduces the amount of fees, which allows your giving dollars to go further into the North Texas Tres Dias ministry.
To switch your giving to ACH, follow these simple steps, which are the same steps for those prayerfully considering giving for the first time:
For Recurring Gifts, login to the giving portal by following the steps below:
1. Go to
2. Enter an amount under “Give”
3. Click/select Gift type (Set up recurring)
4. Click/select frequency (Every week, Every 2 weeks, Every month, etc.)
5. Click/select Starting (date)
6. Click/select Fund (Individual Contribution, Designated Contribution, Corporate Contribution)
7. Choose “Add new payment method”
8. Choose “Bank Account”
9. Enter Routing Number/Account Number
10. Click/select “Checking” or “Savings”
11. Check “I authorize North Texas Tres Dias to debit the amount shown above from my account….”
To Add a new payment method for One-time Gifts, login to the Giving Portal using the following steps:
1. Go to
2. Enter an amount under “Give”
3. Click/select Gift type (Give one time)
4. Click/select Fund (Individual Contribution, Designated Contribution, Corporate Contribution)
5. Choose “Bank Account”
6. Enter Routing Number/Account Number
7. Click/select “Checking” or “Savings”
8. Check “I authorize North Texas Tres Dias to debit the amount shown above from my account….”
We are so grateful that you would consider making this simple switch that in turn will make a big impact on the North Texas Tres Dias ministry. Thank you once again for your generosity, and please let me know if you have any questions or if you have any problems with your giving account.
Your contributions, no matter what size, are tax deductible and Individual and Corporate Contributors receive an annual acknowledgment letter to support your IRS tax deduction records. I can also be contacted if you would like to receive a record of giving at any time.

Thank you and DeColores!
Chris Madrid, NTTD, Inc. Non-Profit Treasurer
North Texas Tres Dias
Phone: 214-734-1531

This is your LAST CHANCE to attend
Essentials Training before the NTTD #76 Weekends.
You must take an Essentials class prior to serving on a weekend.
The Leaders Committee is offering a training date.
Tuesday, August 6th
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Held in the Plano area.
Fill out the form below and the details will be sent to your email.

July Secuela Success
Summer Secuela was a success for sure! I'd say God showed up in a big way just by having a place for us when our original venue in McKinney moved up the timeline of their renovations four days before the event, but the The Bridge was gracious enough to allow us to use their facility.
Our team and those members who came early and the ones going through essentials all joined together to get the building setup for the Hawaiian bash. As NTTD does so well, everyone who came brought their favorite Hawaiian themed dish and food was set out in the adjacent building because the main building was overflowing.
God was moving in the room and building stronger bonds between us. We came together to worship, be prayed over, eat, have a tremendously moving 4th Day talk from the Dodge's, engage in table discussions about relationships and get our photos taken in front of the amazing backdrop. What an experience!
Jeff & Julie Forrester
4th Day Committee Chairs
July Summer Secuela Pictures
Meet Scott Smith
My name is Scott Smith and I attended North Texas Tres Dias #67. My wife Jeanine went through weekend #68 the following spring, and oh boy that was a long wait.
We live in Allen with our 3 awesome young adult children ages 19-23.
Jeanine and I worship and serve at Preston Trail Community Church in Frisco. Together we passionately serve in leadership roles with our churches re|engage marriage ministry.

I grew up in a suburb of New York City. When I was in high school, we were attending a wonderful church with a vibrant youth ministry and that’s where I met my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I remember around that time my mom would go away for long weekends, she would leave on Thursdays, and I wouldn’t see or hear from her until she returned on Sunday nights, she would always return from her “retreats” full of love and joy, singing sweet but unfamiliar songs…
Fast forward 40 years…I now live in Texas, and I’ve been invited to attend a Tres Dias weekend, I’m at send-off, and suddenly it clicks… I hadn’t connected the dots until that moment. After my weekend I was able to confirm with some of my mom’s friends (she passed away in 2000) that SHE had attended and served in the Mid-Hudson New York Tres Dias community for many years. I’m certain she is delighted, dancing on a cloud, knowing I’ve been blessed with the same opportunity.
My Tres Dias weekend was transformational, and I have enjoyed serving on weekends ever since. My wife and I love to invite and sponsor candidates. God has blessed us richly with a wide circle of friends to love and be loved by. And once they’ve come to know us for more than a hot minute it’s a certainty they’ve heard us mention Tres Dias.
I’m so grateful for all the men of God and servant leaders I’m connected with through my Reunion groups. Men I can count on, grow and be vulnerable with, pray for and with on a regular basis.
What an honor it was to have been elected as an at-large member to the NTTD board. It’s such a privilege to serve in this capacity for a community of saints that I love so dearly.
De Colores!
In His Service,
Scott Smith
NTTD Board of Directors, At-Large - Place 9

Mark Your Calendars!
We will have our annual "Meeting of the Members" at our Secuela on
November 16, 2024.
More information will be coming soon!
Make sure to keep an eye on future newsletters.