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NTTD Community Newsletter

Image by Johannes Plenio

April Newsletter

Weekend #73 Serenade

Come and serenade the men and women of NTTD Weekend #73!  You don't have to sing well (or sing at all), the candidates just need to see how God can pour his love out through our community worshiping the Savior!

Men's Weekend (for the Ladies)

Saturday, April 15th

Lake Lavon Camp & Conference Center

8050 Co Rd 735, Princeton, TX 75407

Park at the "Red River" building

Arrive at the campground at 5:00 pmTeam will direct you where to go

Wear your "Sunday Best"

Women's Weekend (for the Men)

Saturday, April 22nd

Lake Lavon Camp & Conference Center

8050 Co Rd 735, Princeton, TX 75407

Arrive at the campground at 5:00 pm

Park at the "Red River" building

Team will direct you where to go

Wear your "Sunday Best"

Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: Come before his presence with singing.
Psalm 100:1-2

Concrete Wall

NTTD Weekend #73

David Van Meter

Easter being a few days before send off has everyone already thinking about the cross. What a blessing to carry that into a Tres Dias weekend!


Our team is unified and ready to see what God does on this Men’s #73 weekend. Thank you all for giving me the opportunity to be the representative of NTTD for this weekend.


I’m extremely thankful and have been blessed this past year while preparing.



Catherine Heishman

Have you looked at your calendar lately and instantly become overwhelmed by all the things? I most definitely have. A few years ago, the Lord began to ask me to say no to things that are good, for things that are His better. During this time of clearing my schedule, the Lord began to speak to the lies that I have believed about my worth and identity as His.


My desire is that we as a team quiet our schedules and our hearts so that we can lean into the truths of who the Lord says we are and begin to overflow those truths on each other and the candidates. What would it look like for you to put away distractions, breathe deep and receive from the Lord? 

Weekend 73


Do you want to serve on a Tres Dias weekend?

 You need Essentials Training!


Were you blessed on your Tres Dias weekend by those Pescadors serving you?


Would you like to be a blessing? All you need to do to serve on a NTTD Team is to attend the Tres Dias Essentials Training. 


Saturday, May 13th

4:00 pm (Before the Secuela)


TPC Commons

121 S Tennessee Street, McKinney, TX 75069


Please, don't forget to



Palanca is always needed

on the Tres Dias Weekends!  You can be the "lever" that will help someone on the weekend see Jesus working in their lives.  So, get your Reunion Groups together and start hot glueing!


Did you know that you don't have to be on the team to write a "General Palanca Letter?"  The candidates would be so blessed to see your prayer and blessing for them on the walls or in their Palanca bags!





You can drop off your Palanca during Send Off, or Serenade.  Don't forget to make more than you think you should! Prepare for 42 candidates, and at least 80 team.



North Texas Tres Dias
as a NEW
community portal!

To get started, click on the button or go to to begin.  If you have never logged on, you will select "Request Account." You will fill in your information, and then check your email for more instructions. Please don't hesitate to email for assistance logging on. 
Once you log on, be sure to update your Profile by logging in, selecting your profile, then "Edit Profile." 


Meet Tom Dixon

My name is Tom Dixon and I attended North Texas Tres Dias #59, where I sat at the table of Matthew. My wife, Heather, and I attend and serve at Covenant Life Church, in North Richland Hills.  


Service to others, and to our communities, is of great importance in my household. Like many of you, I have enjoyed opportunities to pour into candidates, through Tres Dias, and now I am excited to serve you as a recently appointed at-large member of the board. Heather spends countless hours and efforts while serving the Fort Worth homeless community, through the ministry that we founded in 2014: Love and Light Ministries.


While Heather and I enjoy the impact that we can make on the lives of others, we are most encouraged by the influence we see through the hearts of our children. Trevor (10) and Elise (5) love Jesus and they long to love on others as He teaches us. I pray that we, as the body of Christ and my own family, will put God first and at the center of all our focus and action. 

~ Tom

Board Highlight
Chicken and Vegetables


Saturday, May 13, 2023

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

TPC Commons

121 S Tennessee Street

McKinney TX 75069





Last Names Begin With:

A - J: Main/Meat Dishes
K - P: Desserts
Q - Z: Side Dishes/Salads



Dak Lyons.jpeg

Serving on a Tres Dias weekend is a unique experience! Whether it's your first, or you've served a dozen, you will never have the same group as candidates and team together. As you can imagine, you can never tell who will show up as candidates, and how they will receive the weekend. But the team is a different story! We - usually, mostly - know who will be on the team serving, and the team has been working together for a while on getting ready for the weekend. It can be a challenge to be on the same page as we all bring our different issues, beliefs, circumstances and preferences into the weekend, and problems may still arise.

I believe the answers lie in Philippians 2, as Paul tells us all we have to do is:  

  • Fellowship in the Spirit 

  • Have tender and compassionate hearts 

  • Agree wholeheartedly with each other 

  • Love one another 

  • Work together with one mind and purpose 

  • Be unselfish 

  • Don’t try to impress others 

  • Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves 

  • And don’t look out only for your own interests 


Is that all?! No, there’s more! You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had… ”Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges and he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being.”

I don’t know about you, well maybe I do, but I can’t do that list without the Spirit’s help and strength. So I am praying we are constantly praying for attitudes like Christ!

De Colores!

Dak Lyons

NTTD President

Pres Points


©2025 by North Texas Tres Dias. All rights reserved.

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